Sreejith Kottuparambil
Research Associate
Arabian Center for Climate & Environmental Sciences (ACCESS), NYU Abu Dhabi
Email: sk11452[at]nyu.edu

M.Sc. Calicut University
Ph.D. Incheon National University
Sreejith is a biological oceanographer with a background in ecotoxicology and phycology. His career began at the Center for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM) in India, where he contributed to water quality monitoring initiatives for the Kerala state government. His passion for research was truly ignited during his Ph.D. in Prof. Taejun Han’s lab, focusing on ecotoxicological studies based on phytoplankton ecophysiology. During his postdoctoral tenure at KAUST with Prof. Susana Agusti, he delved into marine science, investigating Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) toxicity in Red Sea picophytoplankton and developing a flow cytometry method for tracking PAH sorption on phytoplankton cells. Leading a project on the early detection of the 2019 Red Sea oil spill's impacts, he unveiled oil degradation in extreme Red Sea conditions. Currently, as a Research Associate with Prof. Shady Amin at the Arabian Center for Climate and Environmental Sciences (ACCESS) at NYUAD, Sreejith explores Persian Gulf phytoplankton using cutting-edge imaging flow cytometry. His mission is to build an extensive database on phytoplankton dynamics, contribute to AI-based biogeochemical models, and predict events like Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the Persian Gulf.
Selected Publications
S. Kottuparambil, A. Ashok, A. Barozzi, G. Michoud, C. Cai, D. Daffonchio, C.M. Duarte, S. Agusti (2023). Tracking the early signals of crude oil in seawater and plankton after a major oil spill in the Red Sea. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30, 69150–69164.
S. Kottuparambil, S. Agusti (2020). Cell-by-cell estimation of PAH sorption and subsequent toxicity in marine phytoplankton. Chemosphere 259, 127487.
S. Kottuparambil, S. Agusti (2018). PAHs sensitivity of picophytoplankton populations in the Red Sea. Environmental Pollution 239, 607–616.